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Functional Capacity Assessments at Inline Health Chiropractic

Key Components of Functional Capacity Assessments

Arm strengthening therapyA functional capacity assessment (FCA) conducted by occupational therapists evaluates an individual’s ability to perform activities necessary for daily living and work tasks.

Here are the key aspects typically included in such assessments:
  1. Physical Abilities: Assessing strength, range of motion, endurance, coordination, and balance to determine physical capabilities.
  2. Cognitive Abilities: Evaluating memory, problem-solving skills, attention span, and decision-making processes relevant to performing job tasks.
  3. Work-related Tasks: Assessing specific job tasks or activities of daily living (ADLs) to determine if the individual can safely and effectively perform them.
  4. Environmental Factors: Considering the impact of the work environment or home environment on the individual’s ability to function, including factors like lighting, noise levels, and ergonomics.
  5. Functional Restrictions: Identifying any physical or cognitive limitations that may affect the individual’s ability to perform certain tasks or activities.
  6. Assistive Devices: Determining if the individual requires any assistive devices or modifications to perform tasks safely and effectively.
  7. Safety Considerations: Assessing the risk of injury or harm based on the individual’s abilities and limitations.
  8. Recommendations: Providing recommendations for modifications, accommodations, therapies, or training programs to improve functional capacity or maintain current abilities.
  9. Documentation: Documenting findings, recommendations, and any restrictions or limitations in a formal report that can be used for treatment planning, rehabilitation, or legal purposes.

Functional capacity assessments are crucial for occupational therapists to tailor interventions and rehabilitation plans that promote independence and safety in daily activities or work environments for their clients.

Schedule Your Appointment

Enhance your daily living and work capabilities with a functional capacity assessment at Inline Health Chiropractic. Contact us today at (03) 9379 5425 to schedule your appointment and receive personalized recommendations for improving your functional abilities.


Functional Capacity Assessments Essendon serving Southbank, South Yarra, and Melbourne | (03) 9379 5425