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Assistive Technologies and Wheelchair Prescription at Inline Health Chiropractic

Key Steps in Assistive Technologies and Wheelchair Prescription

Woman talking during consultationOccupational therapists play a crucial role in providing assistive technologies (AT) to individuals with disabilities or impairments.

Here’s how they facilitate the process:
  1. Assessment: OTs begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the individual’s needs, abilities, and goals. This assessment may include evaluating the person’s physical, cognitive, sensory, and environmental factors that affect their ability to perform daily activities.
  2. Selection: Based on the assessment, occupational therapists identify appropriate assistive technologies that can help improve the individual’s independence, safety, and quality of life. This may include devices such as wheelchairs, walkers, prosthetic limbs, adaptive utensils, communication aids, home modifications, and computer software.
  3. Customization: OTs ensure that the selected assistive technologies are customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of the individual. This may involve adjusting settings, modifying equipment, or recommending specific features that enhance usability and functionality.
  4. Trial and Training: Occupational therapists oversee the process of trialing assistive technologies to ensure proper fit and functionality. They provide hands-on training to the individual and caregivers on how to use the devices effectively and safely. This training may include practice sessions, troubleshooting common issues, and establishing routines for incorporating AT into daily activities.
  5. Integration and Adaptation: OTs support the individual in integrating assistive technologies into their daily routines and activities. They help develop strategies to overcome challenges and maximize the benefits of using AT in various environments such as home, school, work, and community settings.
  6. Follow-up and Maintenance: Occupational therapists conduct regular follow-up assessments to monitor the effectiveness of the assistive technologies and make necessary adjustments. They provide ongoing support, troubleshoot any issues that arise, and collaborate with other healthcare professionals and vendors to ensure maintenance and repairs are handled promptly.
  7. Advocacy and Education: OTs advocate for their clients’ rights to access appropriate assistive technologies. They educate clients, caregivers, and other stakeholders about the benefits of AT, available resources, funding options, and how to navigate the process of obtaining and using assistive technologies effectively.

By addressing individual needs through comprehensive assessments, personalized recommendations, and ongoing support, occupational therapists empower individuals with disabilities to achieve greater independence and improve their overall quality of life using assistive technologies.

Schedule Your Appointment

Enhance your independence and quality of life with personalized assistive technologies and wheelchair prescriptions. Contact Inline Health Chiropractic at (03) 9379 5425 to schedule your appointment and start the journey towards tailored solutions that meet your needs.


Assistive Technologies and Wheelchair Prescription Essendon serving Southbank, South Yarra, and Melbourne | (03) 9379 5425